Sunday, November 26, 2006

One Year Ago.

Ok.. writing this a bit early because I want to go to bed...

One year ago, 10.40pm I had the intense scream in my head that said "Quick, Stand up!" As soon as I did, I knew my waters had broken.

One year ago, I sat at this computer and let people know things might start happening. I was excited. Willing it to start. My baby girl was on her way.

One year ago, I twiddled my thumbs. Chewed my nails. Paced the hallways. TV has it wrong, contractions do not always start with waters breaking.

One year ago my life changed. One year ago is when I knew everything would be different from that moment on. One year ago, my Daughter decided she was (almost) ready to be here.

One year ago...

(to be continued on Wednesday...)

1 comment:

Mr B said...

Oh Happy Birthing Anniversary, and Happy Birthday little Tara :-)