Thursday, June 15, 2006


What is something that is very exclusive, highly desirable (especially to the alternative/enviro/organic/vego/cloth/booby loving crowd), and is copied ruthlessly?

The initial thought I had was a Prada bag... but somehow I don't think that fits the whole demographic I am aiming at LOL!

edited to add: I could go with coffee, but comparing that to breastmilk does not seem to fit either...


While I am at it, all those in favour of advocacy teeshirts, say aye!

I have two breastfeeding ones, a cloth bum one, a sling one... will think of another cloth and sling one... but anyone got any other types they'd like available?


Stacey said...

Aye. And because you're not on MSN atm, co-sleeping and homebirth. :D

Kristie said...

Co-sleeping and Homebirth tees on the agenda!

And I am thinking - with the breast feeding tee, the highly desirable thing has to be desired by yuppies - but accepted by the target group... that's probably a better way to do it.

I was thinking maybe the original coffee idea is not bad....

Anyone who wants to know the tag line can MSN me ;) not publishing it though *raspberry*