Monday, June 23, 2008


Cass. Cover your eyes.

Ok, I have been nice. I've been friendly. I have requested they leave, bargained with them (it was a wee bit one sided), I have even threatened them. But no. Instead of heeding my warnings they just decided to procreate and there were more and more and more. And then the cheeky bloody buggers would come and BOAST about being in my lounge room.

So while I adore rats and mice as pets, when wild ones start leaving their droppings in Tara's toybox and they start tapdancing on the foil in the grill, it is time to do something.

I had tried traps recently, but all they did was eat whatever it was I put on there. While I would prefer not to kill the buggers, and I can hear many readers (all 4 of you) screaming to leave them be... I am OVER it... and I did not under any circumstances want to bait them - I prefer the quick trap method.

Anyhoo. I bought new traps. Surprisingly cheaper than the first lot, but I remember using these at the farm. You don't have to get your fingers caught in the springs, and you don't need to touch a mouse.

So, to spare you all the gory details. I am currently winning I think. 5 mice down. At least 2 more to go.... The first 4 were young ones. Not the big one who would come into the middle of the lounge and laugh at me. He is still around. I heard one in the study behind me about 2 minutes ago... so he's around... and I just spotted the other in the grill.

Believe me, the disinfectant will be getting yet another work out tomorrow.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yesterday we were at Bark in the Park in Surry Hills. Tara, Mika and I went down and had a blast.

So as Tara settled in to being comfortable with all the people there, she attached herself to a few choice people and their pooches. When I was trying to get her to leave I discovered her on a picnic blanket with this lovely, beautiful woman and her old, but very cute little dog. She was having a conversation, of which only she understood, and I just said to the lady "nod and smile! That's what we do!" She laughed and continued to have a play with Tara and Mika and Jake.

Soon, her boyfriend came over (while I went and won Tara a DVD - Tara was still in eyeline), and Tara started fawning over him. Adopted him as a friend too. It was not until I brought the DVD back that I discovered who Tara's new Friends actually were. Stevie Jacobs and his beautiful girlfriend. Mika and Tara were all over the two of them. Tara bestowing the ultimate form of friendship - throwing dried grass all over the two of them.

It was so funny to watch, and when we went to leave, the high fives were flowing. It was so funny to see Tara just warm to these strangers... she felt so at home with them. Just shows how great Stevie is with kids after all the work he does with them...

So there you go... minor celebs wrapped around Tara's fingers... :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Two Posts in Two days... whatever will you do?!

You'd think that after 5 years of living here, my neighbours would have had enough of yelling each other. But noooo. As each subsequent child gets older, and hits their later adolescent years the fights get louder.

Mental note for anyone hiring vehicles. If you are ever asked to top up the fuel - please take note of what fuel the vehicle requires. Otherwise the people who use it next will not be very happy little cookies. Just ask Ally.

Tara apparently had no problems with day care today. And someone even brushed her hair! (it was such a mess when I sent her!)

If you found some money on the ground (more than ten bucks) what would you do with it? If you take the money, will Karma come back and bite you? Or is Karma just rewarding you for all the prior good deeds? Would handing it in be slapping poor Karma in the face? Or exponentially increasing the bounty for next time?

Is it wrong to feel fluttery when a workman flashes you "one of those smiles" when you are standing right next to your husband?

I love my new handbag. Ruby you inspired me when you were here with all your talk of finding the right bag.

I am adoring bellydancing. Now, if only I was good at it.

My eyes are barely staying open.

Good Night.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Love you. I do!

It has been too long. I know. I suck. Let's move on, shall we?

Tara is adorable. Today we were at an ABA meeting showing people how to use slings and baby carriers and I had Tara in a front carry ring sling for a while. She grabbed me by the cheeks and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Again. And again. And again! It was a magical moment of kissing.

We have been having a lot of fun out recently. It is lovely. I enjoy her so much. Most of the time at least!!

Her language is slowly taking off. She's speaking in many sentences at the moment. Unfortunately I am the only one who can understand her. And it's not just me interpreting what she is saying, I can hear the different sounds she makes and knows what it is she wants. Ally has to often ask me to translate for him because he has no idea.

I am on the hunt for a blue and black tutu at the moment. I found one on etsy that I love, but I would prefer to keep the money in australia and pay less money for it (it's still cheap, so I might do it anyways). I might make her a white tutu to start with though since i have so much tulle left over from the wedding. Here is the Etsy listing.

I am doing OK. I am still very down about not being pregnant and as much as I try not to think about it, we are coming up to a year soon and while that is not long in many peoples books, it is a long time for me. I really really need to get myself to a doctor and get myself looked at. Though, as the saying goes, it takes two to tango, so we should probably see the doc together and take it from there. I am over the heartbreak though. My cycles are all over the place My last cycle was 49 days.

I am trying to do some websites at the moment. Some very exciting things going on. If only I could get the other half to understand I am serious when I request he does something in regards to domains and hosting and things like that. It would make it a lot easier.

Leah at posted about Reborn Dolls the other day with a video link. It connects my latest obsession with trying to find one of these dolls. I can't afford a workshop yet, and am not sure I really want to get into the painting side, though, I probably would if I had the space. I really need to make the studio usable upstairs. Anyways, at the moment I am designing a website for two places, one for a SAHM, the other for a Reborn Nursery (none in particular). I am hoping I might be able to trade the website design template and all the graphics associated with it (and a domain name as well) as a package to someone who might like to trade for a Doll. I Just need to find the perfect Kit at the moment. I have fallen in love with the folks at Bountiful Baby and am part of the forums there. They have been so lovely!! Hopefully someone there will fall in love with my Website stuff and will trade off for a doll. Each doll values from between $150 and $500 - with some getting up in the thousands. This is one of my favourite Dolls... Paisley . NOw wile I understand some people are not very into these dolls, for me I adore both the newborn aspect, but I really appreciate the artistic skill need to make one of these dolls REAL. I am *very* fussy with the type of doll I like.. though many are cute and beautiful, there are some things I prefer not to see on a doll, and some things that I really think a doll needs..... argh. I am such a critic LOL.

My best friend Ruby was up for a week. I missed her the moment she left. She was amazing to have here and really helped me, and I think picked up my spirits a bit. I think I have been trapped in a bit of a slump and having her here really helped pull me out of it a bit. I am glad she visited, even if it was because she had to get out of warrnambool.

My course is goign good, though I really need to get back into it a bit more. I have been having a bit of a rest but I think it is time to pull up my bootstraps. I am itching to start taking clients... I really should get my act together though!!

Right... I think this is enough for now... I have not died. I am still around. Miss you all. I follow your blogs lots! Post your blog below though in case I don't - I will add you to my feed!

Much love

K xx